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10 Best e-Commerce Analytical Tools for Online Stores

10 Best e-Commerce Analytical Tools for Online Stores in 2024

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, businesses need to leverage data-driven insights to stay competitive and drive growth. This is where eCommerce analytical tools come into play. These tools offer valuable metrics, reports, and data analysis capabilities that empower online stores to make informed decisions, optimise marketing strategies, and enhance customer experiences.

This blog will explore the top 10 eCommerce analytical tools that can revolutionise your online store. GTech Sol is committed to providing outstanding websites in Sydney and Australia as an agency specialising in E-commerce Web Design.

Importance of eCommerce Analytical Tools

E-commerce analytical tools are indispensable for understanding your online store’s performance. They enable businesses to measure key metrics, identify trends, and make data-backed decisions. Analysing customer behaviour, purchase patterns, and marketing campaigns, these tools help businesses optimise their strategies, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Types of eCommerce Analytics

Online Store Analytics

This type of analytics focuses on monitoring and analysing the performance of your online store. It includes website traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and average order value. Understanding these metrics helps identify improvement areas and optimise the user experience.

E-commerce Metrics

E-commerce metrics provide insights into the financial performance of your online store. Key metrics include revenue, gross margin, customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, and return on investment. These metrics allow businesses to track profitability and make data-driven decisions to enhance their bottom line.

Ecommerce Tracking

E-commerce tracking involves monitoring and analysing customer behaviour within your online store. It includes tracking user interactions, click-through rates, abandoned carts, and product performance. This data helps businesses identify opportunities to optimise their marketing efforts and improve conversion rates.

Benefits of Using Analytical Tools for Online Stores

Improved Decision-making

Analytical tools give businesses actionable insights that drive informed decision-making. By analysing customer preferences, purchasing habits, and market trends, companies can tailor their strategies to meet customer demands and stay ahead of the competition.

Customer Insights

eCommerce analytics tools enable businesses to understand their customers better. Companies can personalise their marketing efforts, improve customer experiences, and foster long-term loyalty by analysing customer behaviour, demographics, and preferences.

Optimisation of Marketing Strategies

With eCommerce analytics tools, businesses can measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, track ROI, and identify areas for improvement. This optimisation leads to higher conversion rates, increased customer engagement, and improved marketing spend efficiency.

10 Best eCommerce Analytical Tools for Online Stores

Here are the top 10 best-rated and most popular eCommerce analytical tools:

  • Google Analytics
  • Kissmetrics
  • Mixpanel
  • Hotjar
  • Shopify Analytics
  • WooCommerce Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics

Overview of Each Tool

Google Analytics


A widely used web analytics tool that provides detailed insights into website traffic, user behaviour, conversions, and more.

Key Features

Tracks real-time data and offers customisable reports, goal tracking, and e-commerce analytics.



A customer analytics platform focused on user behaviour and engagement.

Key Features

Optimises funnels, segments customers, and sends personalised email campaigns based on cohort analysis.



A product analytics tool that tracks user interactions and provides insights to improve engagement and retention.

Key Features

Real-time analytics, event tracking, user segmentation, and A/B testing are available.



A behaviour analytics and user feedback tool that helps understand how users interact with your website.

Key Features

Provides heatmaps, session recordings, conversion funnel analysis, and surveys.

10 Best e-Commerce Analytical Tools for Online Stores

Shopify Analytics


Analytics built into Shopify to track sales, customer behaviour, and marketing campaigns.

Key Features

Offers detailed sales reports, customer insights, and funnel analysis.

WooCommerce Analytics


Integrated analytics for WooCommerce users to gain insights into sales, customer engagement, and store performance.

Key Features

Tracks revenue, conversion rates, customer behaviour, and product performance.

Adobe Analytics


A robust analytics platform with advanced features and AI capabilities.

Key Features

Analyses real-time data, provides customer insights and explores cross-channel interactions.

Crazy Egg


This tool analyses heat maps and user behaviour to understand website usability and conversion optimisation.

Key Features

The tool provides heat maps, scroll maps, A/B testing, and user session recording.



A comprehensive SEO and digital marketing analytics tool.

Key Features

A keyword research tool, competitor analysis tool, backlink tracker, and site audit tool are available.



A testing and experimentation platform for optimising websites and user experiences.

Key Features

Offers A/B testing, multivariate testing, personalisation, and feature flagging.


What are eCommerce analytical tools?

eCommerce analytical tools are software or platforms that help online stores collect, analyse, and interpret data to gain insights into their performance, customer behaviour, and marketing effectiveness.

Why are eCommerce analytical tools necessary for online stores?

These tools provide valuable metrics and data analysis capabilities, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimise marketing strategies, and enhance customer experiences, ultimately driving business growth.

How does eCommerce analytics help improve decision-making?

By analysing customer preferences, purchasing habits, and market trends, eCommerce analytics tools provide businesses with actionable insights to make informed decisions and tailor their strategies accordingly.

What types of data can be analysed using eCommerce analytical tools?

eCommerce analytical tools can explore various data types, including website traffic, conversion rates, revenue, customer behaviour, demographics, product performance, marketing campaign effectiveness, and more.

Are there free eCommerce analytical tools available?

Yes, some tools like Google Analytics offer free versions with robust features. However, there are also paid tools with more advanced functionalities and dedicated customer support.

Can eCommerce analytics tools integrate with different e-commerce platforms?

Yes, many analytical tools offer integrations with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and more, making tracking and analysing data specific to your online store easier.

How can eCommerce analytics tools help in understanding customer behaviour?

By tracking user interactions, click-through rates, abandoned carts, and other metrics, these tools provide insights into customer preferences, allowing businesses to personalise marketing efforts and enhance customer experiences.

What are the benefits of analysing e-commerce metrics?

Analysing e-commerce metrics like revenue, gross margin, customer acquisition cost, and lifetime value helps businesses track profitability, optimise pricing strategies, and make data-driven decisions to improve their bottom line.

Can eCommerce analytics tools help with optimising marketing campaigns?

Yes, these tools provide data on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, allowing businesses to measure ROI, identify successful channels, and optimise strategies to maximise conversions and customer engagement.

Are eCommerce analytical tools suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, eCommerce analytics tools are available for businesses of all sizes, ranging from free options with basic features to more comprehensive and customisable solutions designed for larger enterprises.

How can data visualisation tools enhance eCommerce analytics?

Data visualisation tools present complex data in visually appealing and easy-to-understand formats, enabling businesses to identify patterns, trends, and actionable insights more effectively.

Can eCommerce analytics tools help in identifying potential growth opportunities?

Absolutely! By analysing customer data, market trends, and competitor insights, eCommerce analytics tools can uncover growth opportunities, such as new product ideas, target audience segments, or untapped markets.

How often should businesses analyse their eCommerce data?

It is recommended to regularly analyse eCommerce data regularly, ideally on a weekly or monthly basis, to stay updated on performance, identify trends, and make timely adjustments to strategies.

Do eCommerce analytical tools provide customer segmentation capabilities?

Yes, many eCommerce analytical tools offer customer segmentation features, allowing businesses to categorise customers based on demographics, behaviours, purchase history, and other criteria for targeted marketing campaigns.

Can eCommerce analytics help reduce cart abandonment rates?

By tracking and analysing cart abandonment data, businesses can identify pain points, streamline the checkout process, and implement remarketing strategies to reduce cart abandonment rates.

Are there eCommerce analytics tools that focus specifically on mobile commerce?

Yes, some eCommerce analytics tools offer specific mobile commerce analytics features to track and analyse data related to mobile app usage, mobile website performance, and mobile customer behaviour.

How can eCommerce analytics tools help businesses with inventory management?

By analysing sales data, stock levels, and customer demand, eCommerce analytics tools can provide:

  • Insights into inventory management.
  • Ensuring optimal stock levels.
  • Preventing stockouts.
  • Minimising inventory holding costs.

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